Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does he like me or is he just creepy?

Sorry its long but... Well this guy,... I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him. I met him in sixth grade and now we're only like a week away from the end of seventh grade. He stared at me a lot in sixth... And when I noticed it I started putting a tally on my arm with pen every time I caught him in math class. For an hour of math class ONLY, I got 173 tally marks. Is that creepy? I kind of thought it was cute. Then while we were walking to the bus he walked up to me and my bestfriend Josh. He was like "Hey you guys what classes do you have?" so I gave him my schedule and so did Josh. Mine was Mr. Stallings, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Rabon, Mrs. Pinto, Mrs. Chappell, Ms. Mouton. Then the next day I saw him in the offfice with a ripped piece of pink polka dot paper... The paper I ripped off my binder with my schedule... Then in like the 3rd day of school he came to band class with a big grin on his face, I was like "he isnt in band...." and sure enough he'd signed up for the same instrument as me. Then the rest of the day he had every single class I had. That was kind of wierd. Then I picked fun at him and always called him gay. It was cute to see his reaction. He'd smile and be like "I'm not gay!!.." Then one day he came up to me in the hall and cornered me against a set of lockers and stared into my eyes, it was like fire... I'm insecure and so I don't like eye contact with people that long... He just stared at my eyes for like 5 minutes and I got squeemish and was like "urm, could you back up? I'm clusterphobic." he said "i have a girlfriend." "..and?" "And you should look her up. Her name is Kayla White," I was like "okayyyy, why do I need to know that..?" he said "friend her on facebook please?" So I did and she seems nice, but they keep breaking up and getting back together which kinda pisses me off since I like him, lol. Well anyways I drew a flower on his locker in sharpie to annoy him and he was like "get that flower off my locker or I'll... I'LL HUG YOU!!!!" I was like "WHOAH, CHILL ITS JUST A PRETTY FLOWER." (: During band concerts I always sit beside him. Mrs Williams told me he asked her to arrange it like that and she asked if I had a problem with it I said no. After our last concert he was like "Good job, I got lost and found where we were at by looking off your fingering." -insert creepy smile on his face- WTF. Then during the End Of Grade testing when I was finished I looked around the room, and every day of EOG testing I'd look up to find him staring at me. -shiver- Cute but CREEPY. Everyone says he likes me and everyone knows I like him because I told a friend who can't keep a secret on accident. OH, almost forgot. I just found out that I blush every time he talks to me. Maybe he just thinks its funny when I blush? Or do you think he likes me or is he just a creepy kid..? Help?

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